Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Deep End

I haven’t seen that many Skolimowski’s films yet and after seeing Four nights with Anna and Essential Killing I wasn't sure whether I'll be keen on catching up any time soon.

BUT finally having seeing Deep End (1970) I can imagine why it is one of the ‘cult’ films.

The main character Mike starts his very first job at the public bath house where he meets his love interest Susan. Shortly, his life begins to resemble The Sorrows of Young Werther as his attraction becomes more and more fatal.     

In the amazing final scene that takes place in an empty swimming pool, finally (after months of plotting and stalking his LotteMike’s craving is coming true. But, since his moment has been created in a bogus space (the swimming pool without water), when everything goes back to its place(the swimming pool is getting filled with water)the desire is replaced with the despair.